Why do you need to redesign your website?

It is quite normal that after a while, your website may look a little outdated or you may want to make some modifications. Updating our website on a constant basis can bring great benefits.

When we visit a department store after a short time, we see that they have changed the decoration in the display cases and the arrangement of products is different. The same idea applies to your website, in this post, we will discuss the advantages of updating the design and content of your website constantly.

Mobile optimization

We live in a technological world that evolves every day. Google, the search engine giant, has recently added mobile optimization as a requirement to rank high in a search.

Did you know that 51.53% of global traffic is via mobile devices? If your website is not optimized for mobile devices, you are giving a bad impression to a large number of visitors to your website.

Use Mobile-Friendly Test de Google to analyze how your website looks on different devices.

Broken links

It happens to all of us, don't worry. It is normal that after a while and after making changes from time to time to our page, that our web page has links to content that no longer exists, changed its name or simply is no longer relevant. When a visitor to our site clicks on a link to find a 404 error (page not found) it is frustrating for them. That is why we must do a review from time to time of the links on our websiteChange the links of the content that no longer exists or find a new source.

Loading speed

As we add new content or make changes to our website, the speed at which our website content loads can be affected. Google has a tool called Google Page Insights that allows us to analyze our website to get a rating of the loading speed of our website. If our website has a low rating, it is important to correct it as this affects our optimization in search results.

Another reason to optimize the loading speed is to give a better experience to our website visitors. A recent statistic showed that 57% of page visitors will not wait more than 3 seconds for a page to load and 80% of these users will not return. Therefore, when redesigning your website it is important to take this aspect into account.

Feedback and usage statistics

There is no better feedback than that of the users who visit our website. It can be people we know, customers or any visitor to our site who will give us their opinion about our website.

It is very rare for giants like Amazon and Apple to completely redesign their website. Instead, they constantly add modifications and new features to their website to improve their users' experience.

There are many tools like CrazyEgg or Mocking Fish that help us monitor the usage of our website. With these types of tools we will get to know our users better and thus, know what changes or improvements to make to our website to meet their expectations.

User Experience

All customers like to be in control of their own experience. By reducing errors on our site and providing clear calls to action we help our users feel confident and comfortable. By detecting areas of opportunity in the behavior of our website users, we will be able to make improvements to our website. It can be something as simple as adding a back button where users are confused or improving the navigation menu to make it less confusing. The user experience will be the most important thing about a visitor to your website.

Visual aids such as clear calls to action, loading indicators, easy to access chat and more elements can help the user enjoy the experience within your website.

Reduce the risk of being hacked

 When we talk about any kind of system, it is very important to keep the updates up to date. The updates of any system are sometimes security updates, to prevent data loss or any risk of hacking. That is why a site that is not updated for a long time is a big risk for your customers' information. Hackers can destroy any sense of security on your website or in your database if you do not keep your website up to date. It is highly recommended to always update your website, whether you use a content management system such as WordPress or databases. hackeo. Es por eso que una página que no se actualiza en mucho tiempo, es un gran riesgo para la información de sus clientes. Los hackers pueden destruir cualquier sentido de seguridad en tu página web o en tu base de datos si no mantienes tu página actualizada. Es muy recomendable siempre actualizar tu página web, ya sea que utilices algún sistema de manejo de contenido como WordPress o bases de datos.

These are just a few reasons to redesign your website constantly.

And you, what do you consider the most important reason to redesign your business website? Leave a comment.

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